Two major words in the field of data management and processing are online transaction processing (OLTP) and online analytical processing (OLAP), each of which has a particular function. OLAP systems are focused towards complicated data analysis and reporting on vast volumes of historical data, whereas OLTP systems are often...

Python – Data Structures I

Data structures in Python are containers that hold and organize data in a specific format. They provide efficient ways to store, access, and manipulate data. Some commonly used data structures in Python include lists, tuples, dictionaries, and sets. 1. Lists Lists are mutable, ordered sequences that can store elements...

Natural Language Processing

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a Machine learning technique that enables computers to understand natural languages or speech (Adamopoulou, 2020). NLP is the pre-processing stage in the working of a chatbot. The NLP is responsible in transforming the question asked by the user to a suitable input for the...

Application of Deep learning in healthcare

With advanced computing technology along with growth in big data across the globe, there is a growing demand in the use of Deep Learning. Deep learning can be defined as a sub-set of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Deep Learning has been extensively been used in medical applications like anatomic modelling...

Big Data: Netflix

Big Data has revolutionized and redefined the formulas to spike the profit margins of organizations.  This prompted organizations to invest heavily on efficient data harvesting systems, data information leveraging technologies and expertise.   Handling humongous amount of data comes with an ethical concern of privacy infringements. This is where General...

Chatbots – A Challenge?

According to Gartner’s Market Guide only 4% of global enterprises have adopted the technology of chatbots whereas 38% is planning deploy them. Hence, chatbot technology has rampant growth in its demand. In our previous blog chatbots we have seen some important information on this technology. Now its time to...


Chatbots is a rampant AI technology that are capable of interacting with humans in a more natural way. We could see multiple application of this technology across multiple sectors such as banking, healthcare, e-commerce and so on. It is efficient in providing customer service to a certain extent, its...

Data Visualization

Data Visualization can be described as the transformation of a set of data into diagrams, graphs or any other forms that aids in projecting major findings that are extracted from the dataset. The field can also be considered as a right blend of science and art. It involves a...

Apache Hadoop

Apache Hadoop is a platform that comprises of technologies which are used to store and process humongous amount of data. Hadoop was created by Doug Cutting and Mike Cafarella to build a search engine called Nutch. It was named after Dough Cutting’s son. It was a powerful, popular and...


We live in a world of data where data is produced every millisecond. Many business organisations have humongous amount of data, which as it is does not produce any value. This is because facts and figures are futile if we can’t extract any valuable insights from it. In order...